Equinox Grid 2025

This past Christmas, December 2024, I had considered, and should have, rebuilt Equinox Grid, but I put it off. Per my experience, the asset database (fsassets primarily) lasts about three years, and then begins to act up (missing assets, slow, etc.). Also, there is unneeded data from previous users that are no longer around. The best thing to do is to start fresh, as much work as it entails. Because I waited, instead of doing it this past Christmas break, fsassets has finally crashed and is no longer accessible. OARs and IARs are no longer possible; I must rely on the OARs and IARs I have taken in the past, some more recent then others.

Since I am having to do this rebuild of the grid, I will also upgrade to the recent most stable OpenSim version, which looks to be OpenSim This will be a completely new grid with a blank database, meaning all the friends lists, groups, etc. will be blank, started over. Inventories for past, missing users will be eliminated. I will not readd some of my regions.

My priority is to have the main club venues up and running by the end of this upcoming weekend (NLT February 16, 1600), these include EQG Club Equinox, EQG Special Events and EQG Steampunk Festival. Of course, EQG Welcome Area will also need to be up by the end of this upcoming weekend.

For security reasons, I will be implementing an EQG Cornfield region. This will be the HG Landing Point region, the default region, instead of EQG Welcome Area. To visit anywhere other than the EQG Cornfield, you must be in the EQG Visitor group. There will be a sign to allow you to join the EQG Visitor group at EQG Cornfield. During events, the venue with a current event will be opened to the public for the duration of the event. When the event is finished, the region will be closed to the public. By joining EQG Visitor group, and visiting regions within Equinox Grid, you are agreeing to my Terms of Service. There will be only two places that you may teleport to from EQG Cornfield. EQG welcome Area and the open-to-the-public current event venue.

I fully intend to have enough finished to support our two upcoming events: Monsters Ball on Feb 22nd, and Ed & Steamy’s Anniversary on Mar 1st. However, any other events in March may be suspended in order to complete rebuilding Equinox Grid. We shall see.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully, you all will refriend me once again after my new grid, Equinox Grid 2025, is up and running.


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