Spam Attacks

Recently, the website has come under the attack of some major spam. As a result, I have had to turn off open commenting. From now on, only a logged-in website member will be able to leave comments on the website.

Monsters’ Ball 2022

The 2nd Annual Monsters’ Ball was a huge success, thanks to all of you that participated. Many more great Monsters rubbing elbows and dancing the afternoon away. Since this event was on the new Equinox Grid, I did not risk trying to shoot any videos this year. However, after a few minor hiccups, the Grid, Server and Region all seemed to hold up well with the 25+ avatars at once. Again, thank you to those that participated! Here are pictures of the event: The following photos were submitted by participants:

Equinox Grid 2022

The NEW Equinox Grid is up and running. The websites have been added or modified to implement these changes. If you are a citizen on BOTH Equinox Grids, be sure to pay attention to WHICH Citizens Page you are using, before changing your grid account password! Equinox Grid 2019 is the old grid, and Equinox Grid 2022 is the new grid. EQG19 is still using Opensim Release version EQG22 is using the recently released version Instead of upgrading the old grid, a new grid was created primarily to purge the database of unwanted, bloating

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