Ayther - Ayther is what Xyrzians call their magic. - "The Force" as in "StarWars" - a force of nature capable of manipulating virtually anything - a force of nature and exists within all things - sub-subatomic force
Atherist(s) - Ayther knowledge experts, of both natural Ayther and Aythus usage - do not need to be Aythster to be Aytherist
Aythist(s) - master Aythsters that can "program" Aythus, enchanters
Aythster(s) - people that use natural Ayther to manipulate stuff
Aythus - a discovered crystal gemstone that absorbs natural Ayther and traps the energy like an Ayther battery
Xyrzia - Xyrzia is the name of the entire realm containing all known lands and water.