Monsters Ball 2024

This past February 25th, Equinox Grid hosted its 4th annual Monsters Ball, the date just so happened to coincide with Katrina’s birthday. The event was an awesome party thanks to all those that participated. There were many great monster outfits. I have yet to organize and post a picture gallery of this past Monsters Ball. RL has been very demanding as of late, I will get it done as soon as possible. Again, thank you to everyone that participated.

Equinox Grid 2022

The NEW Equinox Grid is up and running. The websites have been added or modified to implement these changes. If you are a citizen on BOTH Equinox Grids, be sure to pay attention to WHICH Citizens Page you are using, before changing your grid account password! Equinox Grid 2019 is the old grid, and Equinox Grid 2022 is the new grid. EQG19 is still using Opensim Release version EQG22 is using the recently released version Instead of upgrading the old grid, a new grid was created primarily to purge the database of unwanted, bloating

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Winds of Change

For many reasons, I have elected to take ownership of Club Equinox. A new club logo picture has been made, a few of them actually. The page on has changed: EQG Club Equinox. All Equinox Grid regions with OSW Beacons can be found on OSW by searching EQG. There should be five regions currently. Also, Club Equinox is in the process of being remodeled. I hope to have it completed by June 13th. For the most part, Club Equinox event schedule is unchanged, however Latex has moved back to Thursdays following Max, and DJ Debbie

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SACS goes RP

I am presently converting my SACS into an RP system. Utilizing information from Victoriana and OGL Steampunk, and of course my info, I am turning SACS into an RP. However, I am unsure how many “rules” I need to employ nor how much points data to use. I am not seeking to turn this RP into an RPG. It will not have scripted missions and a Player Management system. Instead, it is intended to be a realm for roleplaying to take place, with a game master ‘running’ a campaign. Both an RPG and RP utilize some

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